Ch-ch-changes [updated]
07 Jan 2011 15:13 Filed in: Personal

Some significant changes, the first of which is that the site has migrated from the old Pipex URL to an new address as part of my slow move away from TalkTalk as an ISP. Email addresses etc will also change, but I’ll update you more when that happens.
The site has been rebuilt using Rapidweaver 5, which really seems to do more of the same, but nicely. I’ve merged the media section and the ‘other games section’ into the main blog to simplify further, plus changed the Flickr page to point straight at my photostream. There’s also some back end stuff related to PHP which should make site updates swifter for me. Finally, I’ve changed the theme for the site to refresh it after 4 or more years the same. Enjoy. I hope you find the new site pleasant!
We still await the arrival of Nathan’s sibling.