Plan B from Wetherby
07 Nov 2010 23:52 Filed in: Personal

Unlike the Marks and Spencer's advertisement, there is a Plan B as we're adopting it!
The arrival of Baby #2 with the coming new year brought with it the realisation that we needed to do something with the house to make enough space, both for the new arrival and for Nathan who is rapidly growing out of his room and taking over the rest of the house.
Plan A was a simple plan; we would strip out our master bedroom and redecorate it, giving it to Nathan as he could also have his toys up there. We'd move into the next biggest bedroom which we had redecorated in a style we both liked a few years ago. When time and money permitted we'd go and add new fitted furniture in, but there was no rush. Off we toddled and went and bought the paint testers, then made a decision with Nathan liberally testing the paint on our wall, bought the paint and ordered the carpet.
Everything was going exactly to plan (I feel like there should be a 'mwahaha' after that phrase) until the morning when we realised that the great fitted loft ladder we put in this year would clash with all the key positions for cupboards in the spare bedroom. Oops! It hadn't been a problem before, as the hatch was just pushed out of the way to get in the loft while we wobbled on top of the step-ladder. Now it was a serious problem for Plan A.
We briefly considered relocating the hatch (not really practicable) and eventually developed Plan B. We still strip out our existing room (as it needs doing for some minor remedial work), order another carpet and redecorate it. Meanwhile, we use the spare room as our base. Once the master bedroom is refurbished, we strip out the spare bedroom and fit the carpet that we'd already ordered there as it fortunately fits. Redecorated, Nathan moves into the old spare bedroom.
All before Christmas.
(Blog drafted on the iPad using PlainText, automatically synchronised to the MacBook with Dropbox, then finished in RapidWeaver. Image modified in Illustrator and Photoshop).
Mitch Benn: Proud of the BBC
04 Nov 2010 16:54 Filed in: Media
Mitch Benn is a fantastic satirical musician, probably most know for his BBC Radio 4 contributions for the Now Show. He’s released a single as a bit of a reaction for the knives that are out for the BBC in the Tory Party. It’s nothing to do with the corporation, but there’s a good chance that it may chart in the Top Ten. So have a listen to the YouTube clip above, and visit if you’re interested in getting a copy!
Success despite the Lurgy
04 Nov 2010 16:50 Filed in: Personal
The Good News is that the Vulcan to the Sky appeal succeeded and the immediate future of an aerospace engineering icon is secured.
The Bad News is that we are all full of lurgy, although Nathan and I are generally improving, and the dark nights are depressing! Is it really November already?!
The Bad News is that we are all full of lurgy, although Nathan and I are generally improving, and the dark nights are depressing! Is it really November already?!