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Dom Mooney's Website... Cybergoths no more.

Oct 2006

Furnace this weekend

I'm really looking forward to this weekend, when I'll be going to the northern gaming convention, Furnace. This is the first iteration of this convention, but it's being organised by a group of people who I know, and whom have also been involved with the ever excellent Continuum.

I know I'm running two games - 'Blood Opera' for Conspiracy of Shadows (a repeat of Continuum and very much a player driven game) and 'This Fear of Gods' for Traveller. I've just finished the characters and plot for this, and am feeling quite relieved! It was harder work that I thought, especially when I was trying to put together some shorthands for the players by giving photos and pictures and saying that they are 'like such and such a character'. I kept on drawing a blank, but was fortunately helped out by Graham Spearing, who gave me a few minutes out from his charman's preparation for Furnace.

Playing-wise, I've asked (GM's can pre-sign) to sign up for Graham's 'Burning Middle Earth', which is a Burning Wheel adaptation to Middle Earth. This interests me a lot, because I loved the setting but have gone a long way since MERP. The other game I've signed up for is Loz's 'And Stones', which is a Gwenthian BRP game. i've heard nothing but good about games that Loz has run, so I'm really looking forward to this. I was tempted by the 'Ultraviolet' TV series based HeroQuest engined game, and Newt's Mythic Russia and Gloranthan games (especially the Pavis one), and also 'My life with Sauron', but they didn't quite have the draw as the others did. So, if all goes well, four games, and hopefully some games of Iliade and Mag*Blast for a bit of fun. Should be a good weekend.

Of course, when I get back I've got to get into the nightmare of moving the study into the old smallest room, as the carpet arrived this morning! Not looking forward to this as there is too much *stuff*, and I've also already halved my RPG collection in the last two years!

Hoping to see you at Furnace!