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A French Holiday

Zoo de la Palmyre puddle jumping‎
Even the Wet Days were fun...

I’m writing this far too long after our lovely holiday in France, so I’ll keep it short! We had a great two weeks in the west of France, near La Gironde in the company of my parents. It was a relaxing stay, and Nathan travelled very well, both on the ferry and in the car, which was good news as some of the driving took five to six hours.

The Church at Talmont
The Church at Talmont

Talmont Churchyard
The Churchyard

We spent a lot of time in a small town called Talmont, and caught up with some wine we enjoyed the last time we were over here.

In the Pool #2
Nathan and I in the pool

We had fun in the pool, and Nathan’s swimming skills came on a long way. He was swimming all around the pool on his own with only a woggle for support.

View from LGT
The views from the breakfast table.

The holiday was set in beautiful countryside.

The time went far too quickly, but it reminded me that two weeks away is much more relaxing than a single week!