Nathan at Harrogate Spring Flower Show
07 May 2007 20:39 Filed in: Personal

This is one of the new pictures that I'm really happy with. The rest are on Flickr (click through the image to find them) or you can look at the thumbnails on the relevant photo-album page.
It's fair to say that we've had an excellent weekend this Bank Holiday. The Christening went really well yesterday and we caught up with a large number of old and new friends. The service was lovely and Nathan was deploying all his charms. If he develops any of the abilities of his godfather Phill then he'll be a real heart-breaker in the future. Afterwards, The Bingley Arms did us proud with the meal and everyone seemed to have a great time.
However, I've got to confess that I'm looking forward to tomorrow and work for a chance to relax a little, assuming that work remains calmed down. Sleep has been at somewhat of a premium as Nathan's new schedule has been disrupted by everything that has gone on. Hopefully everything will return to what was normality at the end of last week.
I've only just got the photos from the Flower Show last weekend uploaded, and will add some from the Christening later on.
Currently feeling: Tired and happy.

Currently listening to: Nothing - enjoying the silence.
Currently reading: 'Collected Ghost Stories' by M R James