Welcome to Delta Pavonis

Dom Mooney's Website... Cybergoths no more.


Well, whatever happens, by the 11/1/11 Jill and I should be parents again for the second time, as we've now been given a date for the c-section should nothing happen naturally. Nathan is now at my parents after a lovely birthday which has gone on and on as a result of finding some misplaced presents (!) and we await developments.

We spent his fourth birthday with friends and family, starting off with some presents at home (particularly a Pirate ship) and then going on the Crazy Tykes, the local children's indoor play area. Rather than have a full birthday, Nathan just met up with two of the kids who are his friends, Calum and Joe, and they had great fun running around and climbing and sliding, followed up by fish fingers, hoops and chips and plenty of juice. He'll have a more formal party once we're clear of new baby changes.

We went home, meeting up with Nathan's Aunty Paula and Uncle Mark, and his Godfather Phill, for more party food, presents and cake. The cake was a lovely chocolate one (why did Nathan want chocolate not sponge?!) with a Toy Story 3 design on top. We also had a chat to his Nanna and Grandad through the magic of Skype and video cameras.

All in all, I think Nathan had a great day; maybe not as memorable as the tractor party last year – as he got to ride on one that time – but still a good day.

(I’ll update this with some pictures once I get a chance to process them onto Flickr).