Welcome to Delta Pavonis

Dom Mooney's Website... Cybergoths no more.

Nursery Update...

The gloss is completed and today should see the border and fittings going back up, along with the new curtains (covered in butterflies). The carpet fitting is booked (sadly, the 12th December so a bit far ahead), so we're nearly completely there!

We had the last ante-natal class this week, which was an interesting experience. One of the couples from the previous course came back with their 7 week old, and then one of the people from our course appeared. His wife had given birth to twins the night before, and he was shattered and elated. There was a scary discussion on the efficacy of epidurals; in the case of the twins it'd worked well (the lady fell asleep during her labour), but in the case of the other couple, the epidural hadn't worked well.

On a positive note, my cold has pretty much broken, and only a tickly cough remains!

Currently feeling: Tired but a lot better in myself. Nervous and excited.
Currently listening to: The Archers Omnibus!
Currently reading: 'The Riddle of the Sands' by Erskine Childers.